Terry Pratchett: Una vida con notas al pie*

* La biografía oficial

Hardcover, 560 pages

Español language

Published Dec. 6, 2021 by Mai Més.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

Terry Pratchett, el creador de la triunfal serie del Mundodisco, era conocido y apreciado a lo largo y ancho del mundo por sus novelas tremendamente populares, su humor satírico e inteligente y la humanidad de su obra benéfica. Pero eso es solo una parte del retrato.

En los meses previos a su temprana muerte, Terry estaba escribiendo sus memorias: la historia de un chico de seis años a quien el director de su escuela le dijo que nunca llegaría a nada y que pasó el resto de su vida esforzándose en demostrar que se equivocaba. Porque la vida de Terry estuvo llena de logros extraordinarios, como convertirse en uno de los autores más leídos y queridos del Reino Unido, ganar la prestigiosa medalla Carnegie o ser nombrado caballero.

El libro que, por desgracia, Terry no pudo terminar lo ha escrito Rob Wilkins, su asistente y amigo, quien ahora gestiona el …

3 editions

Life through the eyes of a fellow fan.

5 stars

I very nearly didn't become a Terry Pratchett fan, or rather as early as I did, no doubt at some stage I would have been tempted. Not that I wasn't a fully signed up member of the nerd brigade playing both D&D and Warhammer 40K having progressed from the wonderful Fighting Fantasy books of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. And I had certainly become a reader of fantasy fiction thanks to my mother offering me her copies of both The Hobbit and Terry Brook's Sword of Shannara. Actually, I can't be too sure that the fact that Mr (as he was then) Pratchett was also called Terry wasn't a factor in me picking up some of his books from the local bookshop in Formby, a small town just north of Liverpool. Also, one of them, The Colour of Magic, was a signed copy which even back then I thought was …