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Carson Chittom

Joined 7 months, 3 weeks ago

I have very specific, if subjective, meanings for book ratings.

⭐: I did not finish this, or wouldn't start it. ⭐⭐: I finished this, but I sort of regret it. ⭐⭐⭐: I don't regret finishing this, but I'll probably never read it again. ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It's likely I will reread this. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: I want to own this to read whenever the mood strikes, because I'll definitely reread it.

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Carson Chittom's books

Currently Reading

2025 Reading Goal

16% complete! Carson Chittom has read 8 of 50 books.

Leo Donald Davis: The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787) (Paperback, 1990, The Liturgical Press) 4 stars

This unique work—no other work yet available in English treats this subject—illustrates the contribution of …

The Patriarch [of Constantinople] exhorted the bishops [at the Second Council of Nicaea] to brevity, but in vain, for the ensuing discussions were to prove long and verbose, at an intellectual level far below preceding councils.

The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787) by  (Theology and Life, #21) (Page 308)

Leo Donald Davis: The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787) (Paperback, 1990, The Liturgical Press) 4 stars

This unique work—no other work yet available in English treats this subject—illustrates the contribution of …

For Maximus [the Confessor] the Incarnation was the central factor in man's deification: "that the whole people might participate in the whole God, and that in the same way in which soul and body are united, God should become partakable of by the soul, and, that by the soul's intermediary, by the body, in order that the soul might receive an unchanging character and the body immortality; and finally that the whole man should become God, deified by the grace of God becoming man, becoming whole man, soul and body, and becoming whole God, soul and body, by grace." Thus Christ is the meeting point of God's reaching out to mankind and of mankind's God-given tendency toward the divine.

The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787) by  (Theology and Life, #21) (Page 271 - 272)

St. Nikolai Velimirovic, T. Timothy Tepsić, Bishop Maxim, St. Herman of Alaska Serbian Orthodox Monastery, St. Paisius Serbian Orthodox Monastery: The Prologue of Ohrid: Lives of the Saints, Hymns, Reflections and Homilies for Every Day of the Year (Hardcover, 2017, Sebastian Press) No rating

As a monk, in disobedience to his superior, Nicetas left the monastery and closed himself in a cell. Because of his disobedience, God permitted great temptations to befall him. Once, when Nicetas was at prayer, the devil appeared to him undeer the guise of a radiant angel and said to him: "Do not pray anymore, but rather read books and I will pray for you!" Nicetas obeyed, ceased to pray, and began to read books.

The Prologue of Ohrid: Lives of the Saints, Hymns, Reflections and Homilies for Every Day of the Year by , , , and 2 others (Page 129)